WhiteDove Ministries | Resources for Harvest

Spiritual Preparation & Positioning for the Future

Spiritual Preparation & Positioning for the Future


Spiritual Preparation & Positioning for the Future

In these special yearend services, Paul Keith Davis and Pastor Steven Shelley share their experiences and reiterate heavenly visitations concerning the year 2010. It is most essential that by revelation we apprehend the prophetic promises this generation needs to become just like Jesus. 2010 is not only a year of great uncertainty, but a time of authority and dominion for the Bride of Christ to step into her finest hour. In this time of heavenly shift, she must move into newness of Spirit, receive fresh mantles of promise, and attain fresh faith and fresh revelation. The heavenly host is here to assist and help us step into genuine fulfillment of God’s awesome promises. It is time to relinquish all counterfeit to attain the genuine. The Body of Christ will not only be networked together as a Body, but we must be connected to our Head, the Lord Jesus Christ.

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Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 7 × 1 × 6.5 in
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