WhiteDove Ministries | Resources for Harvest

21st Century Messengers, Mysteries, & Prophecy Fulfilled

21st Century Messengers, Mysteries, & Prophecy Fulfilled


21st Century Messengers, Mysteries, & Prophecy Fulfilled

In this series we see how the emerging bride will look and what the position of modern day apostles will be. The day of the messenger is arising and the ones who have prepared their hearts will be the ones who Christ reveals Himself to. The mysteries that will be stewarded by these champions in the apostolic hubs will open a gateway for the glory of God to be fulfilled within His bride.

This series was recorded LIVE at our SOS gatherings in January, February, March, and April of 2013.

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Weight .5 lbs
Dimensions 5.5 × .5 × 7.5 in
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