WhiteDove Ministries | Resources for Harvest

You Must Prophesy

You Must Prophesy


You Must Prophesy By Paul Keith Davis

This 3 part series was recorded during the “Rivers of God’s Love Campmeeting 2010” hosted by Frontline Worship Centre in Alberta, Canada.

It is time to move forward with laser focus on the Lord. Our eyes are fixed upon Him who is the Author and Finisher of our faith; our ultimate goal, the prize of the High Calling. His fire will launch us and His grace that will enable us. His people are a rare and precious hidden treasure that He is forming in these last days. He is getting His bride ready for great exploits and some of the trials and adjustments that have been made are causing a collision with the powers of darkness. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken as the Kingdom of Heaven is established here on earth. Announce, proclaim, adjust and demand for this is a time where heaven is waiting for the voice of the prophets. Hebrews 12:22-29

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Weight .5 lbs
Dimensions 5.5 × .5 × 7.5 in
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