WhiteDove Ministries | Resources for Harvest

Engaging Heaven: School of the Revelatory

Engaging Heaven: School of the Revelatory


Engaging Heaven: School of the Revelatory

by Paul Keith Davis

The Apostle Paul once prayed that every believer would be anointed with the Spirit of wisdom and revelation. This is part of our inheritance in Christ. The revelatory realm of heaven is our heritage and our privilege. It would be-fitting for every 21st Century Christian to dig deep into the Scriptures and examine our revelatory inheritance. In this series, taught in London England, Paul Keith Davis dissects Biblical foundations of revelatory anointing and teaches how to walk practically in it. We are called to be a people of revelation. If you are one that has been interested in studying with Paul Keith Davis this set is for you.

13 disk series By Paul Keith Davis.

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 7 × 1 × 6.5 in
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